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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Friends and Friendship

Friendship Message
The Secret of friendship is being a good listener.

A simple friend thinks the friendship over
when you have an argument.
A real friend knows that its not a friendship
until after you've had a fight.

I cannot concentrate all my friendship
on any single one of my friends
because no one is complete enough in himself.
Anais Nin

Friendship is a horizon
- which expands whenever we approach it.
E.R. Hazlip

Friendship is - the union of spirits,
a marriage of hearts,
and the bond there of virtue
William penn's fruits of Solitude

That friendship will not continue
to the end
which is begun for an end.
Francis Quareles

Friendship improves happiness
and abates misery,
by the doubling of our joy
and the dividing of our grief
Marcus Tullius Cicero

The friendship between me and you
I will not compare to a chain;
for that rains might rust,
or the falling trees might break.
William Penn Treaty with the Indians

offten ends in love;
But love in friendship - never
Charles Caleb Colton

True Friendship is never serene.
Marquise de Svigne

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